PRIVIDEMA represents an industry-driven initiative to advance privacy-preserving technologies in the application areas of cyber threat intelligence, data protection, and identity management.
Running Horizon-Europe Project
PRIVIDEMA - Privacy preserving identity management for digital wallet and secure data sharing and processing for cyber threat intelligence data
PRIVIDEMA operates across various research and innovation maturity levels, with the overarching goal of introducing more robust, user-friendly and scalable privacy and security technologies for the European ecosystem. The PRIVIDEMA project envisions a future of robust, privacy-preserving technologies to enhance cybersecurity and protect personal data across Europe.
Project Start: 01.11.2024 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The MILADO project, will develop a cost-efficient mid-infrared (MIR) laser source technology by merging III-V and silicon photonics.
Running Horizon-Europe Project
MILADO - MILADO - MultIwavelength LAser for fast DiagnOstic in biomedical and manufacturing applications
The MILADO project aims to revolutionize mid-infrared (MIR) laser technology by developing cost-effective, high-volume manufacturing processes for Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). These lasers are crucial for various spectroscopic applications due to their compactness, high power spectral density, and broad spectral coverage from 4 to 12µm. However, their high costs limit market penetration. MILADO merges group III-V and silicon photonics to create affordable, small MIR light sources using established CMOS processes. This shift from expensive, complex craft production to scalable manufacturing could reduce QCL prices from thousands to tens of euros. The resulting cost-efficient sensors will offer superior analytical performance and high integrability, opening new markets for wearable medical devices and edge sensors in production. Additionally, MILADO aims to integrate sensors and actuators into MEMS technology, replacing traditional assemblies with monolithic integration. This will decrease costs, increase reproducibility, and benefit applications requiring miniaturized, portable, and robust MIR sensor solutions.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.06.2024 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
ForRES will advance digital investigation to tackle the cybercrime of electronic devices.
Running European funded Project
ForRES - Forensic Reverse Engineering of Silicon chips
ForRES aims to develop software, techniques and methods to extract, reverse engineer, analyze and implement invasive attacks on state-of-the-art semiconductors, which are almost exclusively used in modern electronic devices. The project will expand on existing knowledge to produce a practical workflow that is usable in the law enforcement context and which will ensure the future effectiveness of European law enforcement agencies (LEAs)
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.07.2023 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Signals & Communication
6GTandem presents a dual-frequency distributed MIMO approach for future 6G applications.
Running Horizon Europe Project
6GTandem - A Dual-frequency Distributed MIMO Approach for Future 6G Applications
6GTandem presents a dual-frequency distributed MIMO approach for future 6G applications.
Sixth-generation technology (6G) is expected to transform today’s society, enhance businesses, increase research possibilities, create new technologies, advance communication systems and impact wide aspect of sectors.
6GTandem represents a part of this crucial change. By co-designing novel dual-frequency operation and a new highly integrated and distributed radiostripe system it will create superior value with respect to energy, service availability and cost of structure.
6GTandem is coordinated by Technikon Forschungs- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH. With our strong team of industrial, academic and research partners we trust that 6GTandem will deliver unique results in the highly promising of direction dual-frequency networks with distributed deployments, which will fuel R&D output and eventual new products.
6GTandem aims to:
- achieve competitive advantage by defining and shaping the future of 6G infrastructures in Europe,
- contributing to the long-term impact of smart, flexible and scalable Radio Access Network (RAN) evolution,
- offering hardware products that will reach a unique level in terms of Radio Frequency (RF).
The main outcome expected by 6GTandem is to overcome the limitations currently present in the performance, cost-, spectrum- and energy-efficiency of radio frequency (RF). 6GTandem will enable competitive advantage by defining and shaping the future of 6G infrastructures in Europe and contribute to the long-term impact of smart, flexible and scalable radio access network (RAN) that will strengthen Europe’s position in wireless network and semiconductor industry.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2023 Project Duration: 42 months Website
Circuits & Systems
AddMorePower will develop advanced modelling and characterization for power semiconductor materials and technologies.
Running Horizon Europe Project
AddMorePower - Advanced modelling and characterization for power semiconductor materials and technologies
The AddMorePower project aims to increase EU shares in GaN and SiC production, enabling a more resilient European power electronics industry.
Its main goal is to advance X-ray and electron-probe related characterization techniques of power semiconductor technology as well as correlated modelling techniques to overcome the crucial crystal defects characterization constrain that is currently limiting the semiconductors manufactures and the whole power electronics industry.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.01.2023 Project Duration: 48 months Website
The DYNAMO project will take the next step towards developing a platform that will improve resilience of the businesses and help avoid systemic collops caused by cyberattacks.
Running Horizon Europe Project
DYNAMO - Dynamic Resilience Assessment Method including a combined Business Continuity Management and Cyber Threat Intelligence solution for Critical Sectors
The DYNAMO project will take the next step towards developing a platform that will improve resilience of the businesses and help avoid systemic collops caused by cyberattacks. The aim is to help absorb potential losses and recover quickly to ensure the continuity of the services provided, which are essential for many industries, like the supply of energy, provision of health services and transportation.
Project Start: 01.10.2022 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The PhotoGeNIC team is driven by providing high performance and reliable laser technology to be integrated in related technology.
Running Horizon Europe Project
PhotoGeNIC - Photonics on Germanium - New Industrial Consortium
The PhotoGeNIC team is driven by providing high performance and reliable laser technology to be integrated in related technology. The consortium’s ambition is to compare and demonstrate the advantages of the proposed solutions over the ones in use until now. As Ge-based VCSEL is a new technology, which is urgently under development we aim to focus on its s non-toxic and infinitely recyclable feature to produce remarkable technology that will yield higher profit and decrease production losses.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.10.2022 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
ORSHIN strives to help improve the security of systems based on open-source components.
Running Horizon Europe Project
ORSHIN - Open-source ReSilient Hardware and software for Internet of thiNgs
ORSHIN strives to help improve the security of systems based on open-source components. The project aims to contribute to the open-source code base in two main aspects: first, by proposing a security-aware design methodology based on open-source components, and second, by helping open-source projects to improve their security posture. Once the trusted life cycle is established, the advances are able to improve the overall security of IoT devices.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.10.2022 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
CONNECT’s main objective is to build a trust management framework in the context of Connected Cars and Autonomous Driving.
Running Horizon Europe Project
CONNECT - Continuous and Efficient Cooperative Trust Management for Resilient CCAM
CONNECT’s main objective is to build a trust management framework, in the context of Connected Cars and Autonomous Driving, improving the quality and speed of decision making through the assessment of dynamic trust relationships utilising knowledge and processing capacity at the backend of the cloud to make faster and safer decisions.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.09.2022 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Signals & Communication
REALHOLO will develop real world technologies for mixed reality worlds.
Closed H2020 Project
REALHOLO - Phase modulating micro mirror array for real holographic mixed-reality displays
REALHOLO will pave the way for main stream mixed reality environments by using micro mirror arrays to provide the best possible experience for the user without physiological side effects like eye fatigue, misjudgement, motion sickness and accommodation-vergence conflict, which are known from alternative and intermediate technologies such as stereoscopic 3D.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2021 Project Duration: 48 months Website
Security & Safety
mGov4EU will enable cross-border services for mobile devices based on the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) and the eIDAS Regulation.
Closed H2020 Project
mGov4EU - Mobile Cross-Border Government Services for Europe
mGov4EU will enable cross-border services for mobile devices based on the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) and the eIDAS Regulation. Its main goal is to research, design, implement and evaluate an open ecosystem for secure mobile government services to be used across Europe and beyond. By taking advantage of security features of modern smartphones like hardware-backed secure elements or biometric sensors, mGov4EU aims at meeting the security needs and data protection expectations one has into public services accessed through mobile devices.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.01.2021 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Signals & Communication
The REINDEER project will develop a technology to ensure that fast wireless access is where we need it, when we need it.
Closed H2020 Project
REINDEER - REsilient INteractive applications through hyper Diversity in Energy Efficient RadioWeaves technology
REINDEER will develop a new type of smart connectivity platform creating hyper-diversity. We will design cell-free protocols and distributed intelligent processing establishing robust and scalable real-time and real-space interactive applications. Operating in this infrastructure will be with ultra-efficient usage of energy and bandwidth. Smart connectivity technologies for interactive experiences, with perceived zero latency and uninterrupted availability both in time and in location within the service operation.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2021 Project Duration: 48 months Website
Computer Science
Our research and innovation action project Safe4RAIL-2 will look at ways of utilizing wireless (5G), interoperable, on-board communication as well as universal integration of the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS).
Closed H2020 Project
Safe4RAIL2 - Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2
In today’s train systems, interconnections and appropriate interoperability are not efficiently optimized. Many times, the braking, climate, door and electrical systems are designed by different companies without concerted efforts towards interoperability. In collaboration with its complementary action project CONNECTA-2 (826098), Safe4RAIL-2 aims to develop railway demonstrators where next-generation architectures and components for TCMS will be integrated. Another aspect of the project is to perform testing of the TCMS functions in a simulated environment. These test methods alleviate field-testing which would be costly to undertake.
Computer Science
Project Start: 01.10.2018 Project Duration: 34 months Website
Security & Safety
The EXFILES project will develop new tools for law enforcement agencies to extract data and related evidence from mobile devices.
Closed H2020 Project
EXFILES - Extract Forensic Information for LEAs from Encrypted SmartPhones
The EXFILES project will develop new tools for law enforcement agencies to extract data and related evidence from mobile devices. Led by a consortium of law enforcement agencies, universities and cybersecurity companies, the project will focus on software, hardware and combined methods. It will also consider the ethical and legal aspects of research and exploitation. The findings will be particularly useful for the next generation of forensic experts.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.07.2020 Project Duration: 36 months Website
SPARTA is a novel cybersecurity competence network, with the objective to collaboratively develop and implement top-tier research and innovation actions.
Closed H2020 Project
SPARTA - Strategic Programs for Advanced Research and Technology in Europe
Strongly guided by concrete challenges forming an ambitious Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap, SPARTA will tackle hard innovation challenges, leading the way in building transformative capabilities and forming a world-leading cybersecurity competence network across the EU.
Project Start: 01.02.2019 Project Duration: 41 months Website
Biotechnology & Health
iPC squares off against Paediatric Cancer
Closed H2020 Project
iPC - individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology
The project team will focus on identifying effective personalized medicine for paediatric cancers and will address a multitude of challenges. To meet these challenges, a comprehensive computational effort to combine knowledge base, machine-learning, and mechanistic models to predict optimal standard and experimental therapies for each child will be proposed.
Biotechnology & Health
Project Start: 01.01.2019 Project Duration: 53 months Website
Signals & Communication
Giving Eyes and Ears to the Car of the Future. Developing the technology to put autonomy in the driver’s seat.
Closed H2020 Project
Car2TERA - Terahertz sensors and networks for next generation smart automotive electronic systems
Occupant safety and the increasing appeal of autonomous automobiles are the driving forces behind the rapidly growing need for smart electronic systems based on the latest semiconductor, microsystem and nanoelectronics technologies. The Car2TERA project will focus of two areas of research and development: in-cabin radar and onboard, high speed data communications.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2019 Project Duration: 51 months Website
Signals & Communication
The project SERENA will develop a system architecture and technology platform by using an integrated approach.
Closed H2020 Project
SERENA - GaN-on-Silicon efficient mm-wave European System Integration Platform
The SERENA project proposes an innovative technology enabling high-power and high-efficiency through the integration of Gallium Nitride on Silicon (GaN-on-Si) semiconductor technology offering unprecedented efficiency and output power 10 times more than SiGe/CMOS.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2018 Project Duration: 47 months Website
Security & Safety
FutureTPM will provide a new generation of TPM-based solutions, incorporating robust and formally verified QR cryptographic primitives.
Closed H2020 Project
FutureTPM - Future Proofing the Connected World: A Quantum-Resistant Trusted Platform Module
The goal is to enable a smooth transition from current TPM environments, based on existing widely used and standardised cryptographic techniques, to systems providing enhanced security through QR cryptographic functions, including secure authentication, encryption and signing functions.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.01.2018 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Signals & Communication
Developing a new generation of Forward-Error-Correction (FEC) codes to enable practical wireless Tb/s link technology
Closed H2020 Project
EPIC - Enabling Practical Wireless Tb/s Communications with Next Generation Channel Coding
EPIC aims to develop a new generation of Forward-Error-Correction (FEC) codes to enable practical wireless Tb/s link technology—corresponding to a 10x–100x throughput improvement over the SoA. The EPIC concept and methodology is shaped by the key finding that routine progress in silicon technology in the next decade will not be sufficient to allow FEC implementations to break the Tb/s barrier; Tb/s FEC will require not only help from silicon technology but also major innovations in FEC algorithm design and implementation domains.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.09.2017 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Computer Science
The DECODER project will improve how engineers communicate with the computer, as well as with each other to score big gains in efficiency, speed and development protocols.
Closed H2020 Project
DECODER - DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference
DECODER stands for DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference. The project participants develop an open source Integrated Development Environment dedicated to improve the efficiency of software development and maintenance and the quality of software in medium criticality systems, such as in IoT, cloud computing and HPC.
Computer Science
Project Start: 01.01.2019 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
PATRIOT provides an alternative for outdated password-based security and costly secure elements.
Closed H2020 Project
PATRIOT - PUFs: Anchors of Trust in Resource Constrained Environments
Passwords are not secure and user-friendly enough. News about hackers shows how vulnerable we are against determined attackers. We need strong, low-cost, and user-friendly authentication solutions based on personal devices that we carry with us. PATRIOT provides these solutions, gives users control over their (data) security and guarantees privacy.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.10.2015 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Computer Science
Supporting user-centric deployments across multi-clouds, enabling the composition of innovative trustworthy services, to uplift Europe’s innovation capacity.
Closed H2020 Project
SUPERCLOUD - User-Centric Management Of Security And Dependability In Clouds Of Clouds
SUPERCLOUD researches and develops new security and dependability infrastructure management paradigm. The approach is on one hand, User-Centric for self-service clouds-of-clouds, i.e., customers can define their own protection requirements and avoid provider lock-ins. On the other hand, it is on Self-Managed services for self-protecting clouds-of-clouds which can reduce administration complexity through automation.
Computer Science
Project Start: 01.02.2015 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
Designing a cyber-physical system by implementing a methodology that ensures safety and security by construction.
Closed H2020 Project
SAFURE - Safety And Security By Design For Interconnected Mixed-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems
The SAFURE methodology is enabled by a framework developed to extend system capabilities so as to control the concurrent effects of security threats on the system behaviour. With this in mind, the project allows European suppliers of safety-critical embedded products to develop more cost and energy-aware solutions.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.02.2015 Project Duration: 40 months Website
Security & Safety
Closing the gap between the mathematical heaven of cryptographic algorithms and their efficient, secure and robust hardware implementations.
Closed H2020 Project
HECTOR - Hardware enabled crypto and randomness
The main motivation of this project is to bridge basic algorithmic approaches with hardware-level security implementations. It requires integrating secure cryptographic primitives such as random number generators (RNGs) and physically uncloneable functions (PUFs), together with physical attack countermeasures. HECTOR studies, designs and implements RNGs and PUFs with demonstrable entropy guarantees and quality metrics. This includes on-the-fly entropy testing and physical attacks evaluations, which will enable more secure systems and easier certification.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.03.2015 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Industrial & Production Engineering
ADMONT contributes to the development of a vivid and competitive ecosystem and ECS industry with production in Europe.
Closed H2020 Project
ADMONT - Advanced Distributed Pilot Line for More-than-Moore Technologies
The ADMONT project is focused on a powerful and versatile More-than-Moore (MtM) pilot line for Europe increasing the diversification of CMOS process technologies. The combination of existing expertise, technological capabilities and the manufacturing capacity of industrial and research partners creates a whole new ecosystem within Europe’s biggest silicon technology cluster “Silicon Saxony”. The distributed pilot line utilizes various MtM platform technologies for sensor and OLED processing in combination with baseline CMOS processes in a unique way and incorporates 2.5D as well as 3D integration of silicon systems into one single production flow.
Industrial & Production Engineering
Project Start: 01.05.2015 Project Duration: 48 months Website
Security & Safety
RESCURE retrofits security in large scale IoT Critical Infrastructures (CIs).
Closed H2020 Project
RESCURE - REtrofit Security for Critical infrastructUREs
RESCURE aims to deliver a low-cost IoT security solution based on a patented SRAM-PUF technology, which provides secure storage and root-of-trust. On top, we will deliver security protocols that scale on Critical Infrastructures.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.02.2018 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Circuits & Systems
LEDLUM develops a highly integrated very cost competitive light engine technology platform for Solid State Lighting (SSL).
Closed H2020 Project
LEDLUM - Tiny Light Engine for Large Scale LED Lighting
The project LEDLUM (Tiny Light Engine for Large Scale LED Lighting) will make major improvements to the volume, the weight, the lifetime and the size of the driver (electrical engine) of light emitting diodes (LED), that are used in the majority of solid state light (SSL) systems
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.11.2016 Project Duration: 42 months Website
certMILS develops a security certification methodology for Cyber-physical systems (CPS).
Closed H2020 Project
certMILS - Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats
certMILS aims to increase the economic efficiency and European competitiveness of CPS development, while demonstrating the effectiveness of safety & security certification of composable systems.
Project Start: 01.01.2017 Project Duration: 54 months Website
Circuits & Systems
AQUARIUS aims to provide an on- and inline capable mid-IR sensing solution to meet legal provisions for industrial waste water and drinking water monitoring.
Closed H2020 Project
AQUARIUS - Broadband Tunable QCL based Sensor for Online and Inline Detection of Contaminants in Water
The AQUARIUS project addresses the development of a new generation of photonic sensing solution, in response to the need for pervasive sensing for a safer environment. In particular, components, modules, sub-systems and systems shall be developed for enhanced sensitivity and specificity measurements in water monitoring.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.01.2017 Project Duration: 48 months Website
Signals & Communication
Providing a wide-spread use of low cost- THz technology in our society.
Closed H2020 Project
M3TERA - Micromachined Terahertz Systems
Developing a heterogeneous microsystem integration platform which facilitates high volume manufacturing of compact, reliable, energy-efficient and advanced-performance millimeter-wave and THz systems at drastically reduced costs. M3TERA will produce a primary technology prototype, develop a system-in-package concept and enable a manufacturable and efficient technology transfer.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.02.2015 Project Duration: 42 months Website
Security & Safety
Reinforcing European competitiveness by offering fundamentally simplified electronic and Train Control and Monitoring architectures
Closed H2020 Project
Safe4RAIL - Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock
Safe4RAIL results will encourage interoperability, efficiency, safety and secure interconnection of technical solutions among European railway providers, boosting the worldwide competitiveness and preserving the global leadership of the European transport industry.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.10.2016 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Software Engineering
Enhancing and scaling up modern software analysis tools to enable using them on a wider range of applications.
Closed H2020 Project
VESSEDIA - Verification Engineering of Safety and Security Critical Industrial Applications
VESSEDIA will develop a methodology that allows one to adopt and use source code analysis tools efficiently and produce similar benefits in other application domains of lower criticality than for highly-critical applications (i.e. an exhaustive analysis and extraction of faults).
Software Engineering
Project Start: 01.01.2017 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Biotechnology & Health
Improving patient risk stratification and treatment in prostate cancer by developing new computational approaches to exploit next generation molecular data.
Closed H2020 Project
PrECISE - Personalized Engine for Cancer Integrative Study and Evaluation
The PrECISE project is a pilot project that combines hypothesis-driven strategies with data-driven analysis in a novel mathematical and computational methodology for the integration of genomic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and clinical data with the goal of risk-stratifying patients and suggesting personalized therapeutic interventions.
Biotechnology & Health
Project Start: 01.01.2015 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Aerospace & Defense
The ALFA system bridges this detection capability gap by drastically improving the situational awareness through the detection of LSS (Low, Small and Slow) manned and unmanned aircraft.
Closed H2020 Project
ALFA - Advanced Low-Flying Aircraft Detection and Tracking
The main objective of the project is the development of a system for timely detection, classification and understanding of the intentions of suspected air targets. The system will also provide a prediction of the landing site or dropping zone. ALFA will contribute to the many EU goals regarding border security
Aerospace & Defense
Project Start: 01.01.2017 Project Duration: 36 months Website
The strategic objective of the Heureka project TECOM is to investigate solutions and architectures for embedded systems platforms which need to meet both security and integrity requirements.
Former Project
TECOM - Trusted Embedded Computing
The approach of TECOM is to develop a general abstract execution platform architecture for real-time embedded systems which can then be specialised/instantiated to a specific application sector and customised to adapt to specific standards and needs, e.g. AUTOSAR in the automotive sector, OSGi (Java middleware framework) in gateways, Windows CE.
Project Start: 01.09.2007 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The FP7 project TECOM adopts a systematic approach to the development of trusted embedded systems, consisting of hardware platforms with integrated trust components.
Former Project
TECOM - Trusted Embedded Computing
As this project should support all aspects of Embedded Trusted Computing Systems it focuses on the following 3 major working areas:
– Next generation hardware implementation of the TPM as the central TC security element for embedded computing environments.
– Developing trusted operating systems for embedded platforms. According to the current research results we will concentrate on virtualization/hypervisor technology.
– Integrating these components into a system approach, develop some test cases and give feedback to OS, SW and HW development.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.01.2008 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
DRAGON develops an electronic design platform and novel flexible RF architectures for SoC( Systems on Chip) and SiP (Systems in Package).
Former Project
DRAGON - Design methods for Radio Architectures GOing Nanoscale
The DRAGON project seeks to achieve distinct reductions in cost, size and energy consumption for multi-standard cellular handsets, and other products employing similar technology, while meeting higher demands on data rate. Increased data rates require the energy consumption per transmitted or received data bit to be reduced, both to save energy and to avoid thermal problems.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.02.2010 Project Duration: 27 months Website
Software Engineering
Developing an advanced cloud infrastructure that can deliver computing and storage that achieves a new level of security, privacy, and resilience yet is cost-efficient, simple, and scalable.
Former Project
TClouds - Trustworthy Clouds – Privacy and Resilience for Internet-scale Critical Infrastructure
The FP7 project TClouds (Trustworthy Clouds) aims to build a prototype which allows virtualized computing, network, and storage resources over the Internet to provide scalability and cost-efficiency.
Software Engineering
Project Start: 01.10.2010 Project Duration: 36 months Website
The FP6 project SCARD provides the technical means for designing side-channel resistant circuits and systems.
Former Project
SCARD - Side Channel Analysis Resistant Design Flow
The threat of side-channel attacks is of crucial importance when designing systems with cryptographic hardware or software. Especially smart cards and related micro-chip systems have shown considerable vulnerabilities in this respect. Side-channel attacks analyse and exploit the information produced by some system by, for example, measuring its power consumption or the electro-magnetic emanation of this system.
Project Start: 01.01.2004 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Security & Safety
Creating IT systems that are reliable and resilient to attacks to ensure private data protection and confidentiality.
Former Project
OPENTC - Open Trusted Computing
The objective of the FP6 project OpenTC is to develop a secure OS and related protocol and management software a Trusted Booting and disc volume encryption; Implementation of virtualisation layer; TSS stack for the TPM and first management SW for performing elementary TPM functionalities; General interfaces and control capabilities for intra- as well as inter-OS communication and external useable security APIs.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.10.2005 Project Duration: 42 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The OMEGA project sets a new standard for ultra broadband home area networks.
Former Project
OMEGA - Home Gigabit Access
With OMEGA’s gigabit home network, users get easy access to high-bandwidth information and communication services such as telepresence, 3D gaming, enhanced interactivity, virtual reality, highdefi nition video as well as e-health applications and services for the exchange of user-generated business or multimedia content.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.01.2008 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Signals & Communication
The FP7 project Multi-Base demonstrates new handset baseband architectures that enable end-to-end interconnections of humans and devices
Former Project
MULTI BASE - Scalable Multi-tasking Baseband for Mobile Communications
The Multi-Base project objectives target the elimination of key technical and commercial barriers to ubiquitous broadband access by enabling efficient and sustainable disposition of operation and production factors as spectrum, power engineering cost and silicon process technology.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2008 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The FP7 project CopPeR aims to develop a novel copper deposition process based on the use of non-aqueous solvents in order to overcome the limitations of currently applied interconnect formation processes
Former Project
COPPER - Copper Interconnects for Advanced Performance and Reliability
The process developed and implemented within the CopPeR project significantly improves the quality of the Cu metallization due to the fact that the conductivity limiting seed-Cu will be eliminated and thinner barrier films can be applied, e.g. by ALD (atomic layer deposition); so more volume is available in trenches for high quality, low resistivity Cu.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.01.2008 Project Duration: 35 months Website
Software Engineering
Developing a toolbox that supports the production of high quality cryptographic software.
Former Project
CACE - Computer Aided Cryptography Engineering
The mission of the CACE project is to enable verifiable secure cryptographic software engineering to non-experts by developing a toolbox which automatically produces high-performance solutions from natural specifications.
Software Engineering
Project Start: 01.01.2008 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Circuits & Systems
The MEMFIS project addresses size and power requirements of MEMS-technology and recent achievements in electronic design to develop a miniaturised Fourier-Transform MIR spectrometer.
Former Project
MEMFIS - Ultrasmall MEMS FTIR Spectrometer
An integrated control and chemometrics module converts the spectroscopic data into concentrations. The resulting compact, robust and economical analysers can be deployed in a large number of roles, such as minimally invasive medical diagnostics, environmental and workplace monitoring, industrial real-time process control and even security applications.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.09.2008 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Robotics & Mechanial Engineering
Enhancing the abilities of service robots by improving the sensing system with real 3D foveation properties.
Former Project
TACO - Three-dimensional Adaptive Camera with Object Detection and Foveation
Taco developes a three dimensional sensing system with real 3D foveation properties to increase the ability for the service robot interaction with their natural environment. It develops a three dimensional sensing system with real 3D foveation properties to allow robots to interact with everyday environment in a more natural and human-like manner.
Robotics & Mechanial Engineering
Project Start: 01.02.2010 Project Duration: 42 months Website
Signals & Communication
MAMMOET advances the development of Massive MIMO (MaMi), a new and highly promising trend in mobile access.
Former Project
MAMMOET - Massive MIMO for Efficient Transmission
MAMMOET aims to bring MaMi from an initial promising concept to a highly attractive technology for usage in future broadband mobile networks. In order to achieve its overall goal, the project has a number of important scientific and industrial objectives. These include fundamental, experimental and standardisation elements.
Signals & Communication
Project Start: 01.01.2014 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
Improving the detection and management of highly sophisticated cyber security incidents of and attacks against critical infrastructures.
Former Project
ECOSSIAN - European Control System Security Incident Analysis Network
The protection of Critical Infrastructure (CI) increasingly demands solutions which support incident detection and management at the levels of individual CI, across CIs which are depending on each other, and across borders. An approach is required which really integrates functionalities across all these levels. Cooperation of privately operated CIs and public bodies (governments and EU) is difficult but mandatory.
After many years of analysis and research on partial effects in CI Protection (CIP) and for individual infrastructure sectors, ECOSSIAN is a European attempt to develop this holistic system.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.06.2014 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Computer Science
PRACTICE designs cloud computing technologies that allow computations in the cloud thus enabling new business processes.
Former Project
PRACTICE - Privacy-Preserving Computation in the Cloud
The PRACTICE project aims to build a secure cloud framework that allows for the realization of advanced and practical cryptographic technologies providing sophisticated security and privacy guarantees for all parties in cloud- computing scenarios.
Computer Science
Project Start: 01.11.2013 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Security & Safety
Enabling new applications and services on mobile platforms that overcome the limitation of current passive NFC transmission technologies.
Former Project
MATTHEW - Multi-entity-security using active Transmission Technology for improved Handling of Exportable security credentials without privacy restrictions
MATTHEW investigates privacy-enhancing technologies and how to integrate them into the “multiple roots of trust”-concept in a way that the exchanged privacy-relevant information is reduced to an absolute minimum. Furthermore, this approach prevents the remaining of sensitive data in a device after the external modules have been unplugged.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.11.2011 Project Duration: 36 months Website
Software Engineering
Developing a solution for virtualisation of heterogeneous resources.
Former Project
EURO-MILS - Secure European virtualisation for trustworthy applications in critical domains
The EURO-MILS project introduces into the European trustworthy ICT landscape a verified and design-validated MILS platform: a small virtualisation platform that offers the secure decomposition of complex embedded systems into independent components.
Software Engineering
Project Start: 01.10.2012 Project Duration: 42 months Website

Aerospace & Defense
Embeding Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) technology in Galileo's Public Regulated Service (PRS) receiver security module in order to achieve low cost of silicon security and higher tamper resistance.
Former Project
PREMISE - PRs receivers with Embedded hardware Intrinsic Security Enhancements

Researching and deriving the advantages obtained by introducing PUF technology into PRS design, focusing on both the end product itself as well as the manufacturing process. The project analyzes PRS constraints and requirements and combine these with the intrinsic PUF security and cost benefits to obtain architectural building blocks that will serve as a basis for prototyping but also as reference to analyze potential side-channel attacks and countermeasures to protect against these
Aerospace & Defense
Project Start: 01.03.2012 Project Duration: 24 months Website
Circuits & Systems
Mission of the project is to enforce the security and assurance of hardware components against malicious attacks of unauthorised parties.
Former Project
UNIQUE - Foundations for Forgery-Resistant Security Hardware
The protection of hardware systems against counterfeiting, cloning, tampering, reverse engineering and insertion of malicious components using hardware-based cryptography and security building blocks, security architectures, protocols, algorithms, design and evaluation principles. Developing solutions to the counterfeiting problem that are supported by strong, novel and consistent design and evaluation methods for multi-level security.
Circuits & Systems
Project Start: 01.09.2009 Project Duration: 30 months Website
Security & Safety
Providing secure hardware solutions to curtail illegal and unethical in the cyber world
Former Project
HINT - Holistic Approaches for Integrity of ICT-Systems
Hint will develop a solution to implement a common framework for a system’s integrity checking based on Trusted Computing technologies. The consortium will demonstrate the capabilities of the developed technologies on real-life applications. HINT will also prepare the adoption of the proposed technologies by future Common Criteria evaluation schemes.
Security & Safety
Project Start: 01.10.2012 Project Duration: 36 months Website